Extracts of English speech of Jean-Luc Romero
First of all I would like to say that Aids is a main concern for Ile-de-France Region, a priority of its policy regarding health. Ile-de-France has half of people living with Aids in France. It is also one of the Europe regions most affected by the disease.
The region has been involved in the fight against that scourge for 20 years now, and allocate every year 5 million Euros to the prevention of HIV and the monitoring of affected people in Ile-de-France. With that amount, we support the actions of numerous organizations involved in the fight against Aids on our territory. We also fund the regional centre of information and prevention of Aids (CRIPS), the operational arm of our regional policy in that area.
CRIPS is a resources centre at the disposal of professionals of social, health and education sectors, but beyond for all people involved in the fight against Aids, hepatitis and risky behaviours, i.e. 10 000 people a year. But CRIPS is also a stakeholder in the prevention at high school level in Ile-de-France. Each year, its leaders go to meet 140 000 of them in schools. At the same time they receive 15 000 at Cybercrips, a platform of play and educational exchange and 25 000 on the stands to which CRIPS takes part.
Since is Aids goes beyond the borders of Ile-de-France, it is a worldwide scourge and also because we believe our region should be a region open to the world, we also consider that fight against Aids should be an important area of our international policy especially our decentralized cooperation policy.
Elected member of Ile-de-France since 1998, I have pushed for an amendment of relevant legislations so that all our cooperation agreements should also deal with Aids. Actions presented by Aids Consortium which have been run for 10 years now in the framework of our partnership with Gauteng Province (our very close friend and ally) are a concrete materialization of our commitment.
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Catégories : Conseil régional d'Ile-de-France, Huchon/Hidalgo 2010, Lutte contre le sida, ELCS, CNS et CRIPS, Mes déplacements à l'étranger, Mes discours, Politique française, Politique internationale, Santé
Tags : johannesburg, jean-luc romero, sida, aids, politique, gauteng, france
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